Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hlōnahim na vūscen

Tia phāde hlōnahim na gācon na vūsco mo. Tia cūnūd desadit gin hado mi sīd hlōnahim na vūscen gin tāmosi hush. Mivusom cīvit gācon na nomi mo. Tia gācon na zezo desadit mo. Ċistendi nomi mo. Toidadom posh toi cazuve tīhl. Tia ni gāc mide zado ciehen. Vīgom pīmat nomi siun mo...tia ga dōcco.

- Sam Mēhīca he

I smoked marihuana today this morning. I don't have much money thus smoking in the morning doesn't happen often. Today in school was easier. I slept much today. It was relaxing. Rich people still make me angry. I must see them everyday. Life will be easier soon...I know it.

- Sam of America

1 comment:

Matthew Shields said...

Rich people make you angry? Don't you want to have lots of money? :D